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Communicate with us!
If you have received the information about the fact that JAHO Invest s.r.o. had took over your debt, we would like to recommend you to try as much as possible to pay your debt.
We propose mutually acceptable conditions
It is better for you to negotiate with us about conditions that would be acceptable for both sides. We can give you the possibility of paying your debt in installments. It is no solution to do not react on written reminders, phone calls or personal meetings. Your debt is not going to disappear but it will be increased.
The court is not always necessary, agreement is better for you
The most of the debts could be solved without the court, but only if you will communicate with us. Do not let this possibility go away. It is just a question of time, when the executor will knock on your doors. Also we can initiate insolvency proceedings or initiate prosecutions.