Do not put your trust in your debtors, please, use our services!

Služby Global Inkaso s.r.o.Tell us your problem and we will solve them for you. Our company, JAHO Invest s.r.o., is able to effectively force your debtor to pay. We always try to initiate direct negotiations, so we can find beneficial solution for both sides.

Extrajudicial debt collection

Based on your documents, we will contact your debtor, analyze his current financial situation and afterwards we will force his payment. We can guarantee you that we work carefully, tirelessly and consistently. We do not make any compromises. We do not let your debtor hide anymore and we will take all necessary steps to get your money back to you.

Receivables management

If you have many unpaid invoices, we are exactly the ones that you were looking for, because we are able to force your debtor to fulfill his obligations. We will not let your debtor to take a rest and we will constantly contact him personally, by phone and by written reminders. For us, this service does not mean the debt collection, but a standard service for your business. Mentioned service is most effective between the creation of receivable and fourteenth day of its existence. By using this service you will prevent the emergence of irrecoverable debts.

Confiscation, transportation and storage of the leased object

These services are designed especially for the companies that are dealing with financial services. Our company owns transport technique that is supposed to be used for transporting cars, pickups or other property of your debtor. We can also offer storage of the confiscated technique in enclosed area.

Purchase of receivables

In case that your debtors had caused your financial problems, we can offer you a purchase of receivables. We can offer you an immediate buyout. This service needs a personal negotiation about conditions of buyout.

Monitoring of the Insolvency Register

This service will let you know, that your debtor came to the insolvency and will bring you the hottest information from the Insolvency Register. You will be informed about every new event from the register by email.

Verification of business partners

In time of global financial crises many of your business partners are starting to have financial problems. These problems are usually hardly recognizable in their beginning, but lately they could cause huge damages.

Verification of business partners will give you fresh information about the situation of your partners and you will know if they are in any register of debtors or etc. If you are going to start new business partnership and you have some doubts about the financial situation of your partner, or if you just want to be sure that your partner is solid, please use this service and our company will help you to eliminate future problems.


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